“Makes blogging easier than ever.” –Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times
Posterous Is an email to blog service, which I applaud for the idea of it but I am not sure if it fills any gaps that need filling. Their big claim is no need to sign up for an account, as one just gets attached to the email account that you are sending from. This is essentially the same thing as signing up for an account so I don't see too much benefit there. I do like that it makes flash playable song clips, I wish that blogger did that as I would have used it with a project that I was doing.
You can also customize the blog. See my test posts here.
Monday, November 30, 2009 | Posted by P at 4:56 PM |
Pink Bunny
| Posted by P at 7:02 AM |
Gelitin a group of artist that do art... imagine that! Well they did one of my favorite pieces, it's a huge bunny that fell from the hands of an imaginary girl walking across the Italian landscape, a very large imaginary girl as her toy, the pink bunny is rather large.
I have been wanting to visit as the idea of the installation is to last for 20 years (2005 to 2025). But I haven't gotten the chance to go to Italy lately. Anyways I was looking for some pictures of how well this thing has held up and I couldn't find any but yesterday I did at Genitins site. There are some pretty cool shots there including one of people laying on the bunnies guts.
From Gelitin's Site:
more information about the Rabbit (Press Release).
more images about the Rabbit.
Upload and share your own Rabbit images with all of us!
And now even Google Maps is spotting the Rabbit from outerspace.
And look youtube gives me this: nice!
Circuit Bent Awesomeness
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 | Posted by P at 11:28 AM |
I really enjoy the quality of this project, just watching it is satisfying, it also looks like the builder made some good money on the sale that being $675.00
Norsk/Svenska Myth
| Posted by P at 11:04 AM |
A Norwegian told me this once:
Clint Eastwood was in an interview and the hosts asks him something along the line of "What make you so cool?" Clint proceeded to nonchalantly reach down to his shirt pocket that held a pack of cigarettes and flick the bottom of it with his finger launching one cigarette into his mouth while his left hand soon after lit the cigarette. He then replied "I don't know."
Yesterday I told it to somebody and then looked it up...looks like it's a myth after all.
analog myth
| Posted by P at 11:32 AM |
I am hearing this over an over, for some reason people think that analog is really great for example listen to this guy.
Compression - nothing to do with digital sound...has to do with the production and mastering process, and or if a compressor is used.
Quantization - nothing to do with digital sound...has to do with midi and it's a option not a rule.
Analog can touch your soul digital cannot... can't argue there, wait what??
And stuff like this:
Well lately I have been really enjoying recording live sounds with the contact mic .. the contact mic is fascinating to me, it’s so organic, it’s like a telescope … I always favor my Zoom sampler for it is analog. It adds starch to digital sound.. really thickens the sound, so it’s really warm,and has survived like 3 computers. It’s amazing I can hold like 20 loops.. it has 3 minutes of record time … amazes me how much you can do with that amount of time… and its extremely versatile considering the amount of effects and pitch control. I also use it for live sampling. My favorite samples are straight off vinyl although latelyI have really been pushing myself on making specific samples….with various instruments such as bow on metals, music boxes, kalimba, old keyboards and mini vibraphones.
From this interview
I am pretty sure Zoom has never made anything that's analog
What a lot of these people are talking about is thing like Dynamic Range, and sample rate, and the fact that when synthesizers went form analog to digital almost all of the ability to manipulate the sounds was lost (due to technical limitations that have now been overcome.)
So if you want analog sound then go to a live show, but make sure it's acoustic because you don't wan't any type of amplification (that's most likely digital.)
Breaking the Chains
Monday, November 9, 2009 | Posted by P at 2:38 PM |
My friend Luke, who I am planning on visiting down in Guatemala is working on this event. It's co insides with buy nothing day as well!!!
Check out our Breaking the Chains Facebook event!
"Breaking the Chains" is a single-day social action movement to take place simultaneously around the United States on Black Friday (Nov. 27th), 2009, the biggest shopping day of the year. Its goal is to educate and remind our nation that human slavery still exists, and has a major and growing presence in the world today.
THIS IS NOT A PROTEST. The sole purpose of the event is to educate and remind people that modern slavery does very much exist, and inform them about what can be done to stop it. There will be no monetary donations solicited or accepted for this event.
Anticipated to involve one million participants nationwide, groups of three or more individuals will gather in different localities in all fifty states to hand out information about human trafficking and be available to answer questions about modern-day slavery.
Participants will be dressed in black and wearing restraints around their hands to demonstrate the chains that still bind an estimated fourteen to thirty million people trapped in slavery around the world.
Another Paragraph would help with the expliation here I think, what do you think?
| Posted by P at 11:00 AM |
Contemporary Practice for the 12-stringed Gayageum
Saturday, November 7, 2009 | Posted by P at 8:38 AM |
A few years back an old friend of mine, Nathan Nass, was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to study the 12-stringed Gayageum in Seoul, South Korea. I stumbled across this the other day, a clip of Nathan playing the instrument on a television show in Korea:
Mp3 Player
- Posterous
- Split Ground Plane
- Eye CANdy
- Prisencolinensinainciusol
- Hinting At Sub Pixel Rendering
- Run
- More Gelitin
- Pink Bunny
- Hrir binaural synthesis
- Circuit Bent Awesomeness
- Norsk/Svenska Myth
- Mandelbulb
- duckst
- dickchicke n
- Hva?
- Alva Noto
- Anthony Braxton
- Marc Ribot
- Aki Onda
- analog myth
- Musik
- Yazi
- Yarr!
- Joanne Gair
- Breaking the Chains
- I miss having free time...
- Wind Farm
- That is the guy who owns the cart by the way
- Another Paragraph would help with the expliation h...
- Do Not
- More accurate than??
- Maximum Loading Level
- Contemporary Practice for the 12-stringed Gayageum