The 10 best albums of 2008 according to Citizen Analog.
Fitter Happier:
1. Department of Eagles - In Ear Park
2. Tv on the Radio - Dear Science
3. Sigur Ros - Med Sud i eyrum vid Spilum endalaust
4. Shearwater - Rook
5. Jenny Lewis - Acid Tongue
6. Wolf Parade - At Mt. Zoomer
7. Secret Machines - Secret Machines
8. Fleet Foxes- Fleet Foxes
9. Aimee Mann - Smilers
10. The Dears - Missiles
1. Jim White - Transnormal Skiperoo
2. Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
3. Hanne Hukkelberg - Rykestraße 68
4. Roma di Luna - Casting the Bones
5. Jeffrey Lewis - 12 Crass Songs
6. My Brightest Diamond - A Thousands Sharks Teeth
7. Matt Bauer - The Island Moved in The Storm
8. Herman Dune - I Wish That I Coiuld See You Soon
9. Bowerbirds - Human Hands
10. Why? - Alopecia
Old English:
1. Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
2. TV on the Radio - Dear Science
3. Atmosphere - When Life Gives You Lemons, You Paint That Shit Gold
4. Girl Talk - Feed the Animals
5. My Morning Jacket - Evil Urges
6. Wolf Parade - At Mount Zoomer
7. Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
8. Prefuse 73 - Preparations (Technically released in late Oct. 2007, but i didn't hear it till 2008, and it's badass so i'm including it)
9. Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey - Lil Tae Rides Again
10. Beck - Modern Guilt
1. Deerhoof - Offend Maggie
2. Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
3. Of Montreal - Skeletal Lamping
4. Dodos - Vister
5. Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
6. Deerhunter - Microcastle
7. My Morning Jacket - Evil Urges
8. Department of Eagles - In Ear Park
9. Sigur Ros - Med Sud i eyrum vid Spilum endalaust
10. Wolf Parade - At Mount Zoomer
Collaborative lists coming soon.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 | Posted by P at 11:55 AM | Labels: list, music, stuff, top ten
Snow is Pro-War?
Monday, December 15, 2008 | Posted by P at 5:55 PM |
Get the LED Out.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008 | Posted by P at 7:11 AM |
It's that time again. The end of the year. Time to compile and reflect on all the glorious noise released this past rotation. But more importantly the best time to find all the good music I missed throughout the year. So I'm working on a top 10 list and asking a few people to do the same. Hopefully in a week or so the cumulative/individual results will be posted for your viewing pleasure. Feel free to send your lists to citizenanalog [at] gmail [dot] com.
Below is MetaCritic's list of 2007's 30 best reviewed albums.
1 From Here We Go Sublime by The Field
2 Untrue by Burial
3 In Rainbows by Radiohead
4 Person Pitch by Panda Bear
5 Raising Sand by Robert Plant And Alison Krauss
6 Let's Stay Friends by Les Savy Fav
7 Neon Bible by The Arcade Fire
8 Children Running Through by Patty Griffin
9 Kala by M.I.A.
10 Sound Of Silver by LCD Soundsystem
11 Comicopera by Robert Wyatt
12 Mirrored by Battles
13 45:33 by LCD Soundsystem
14 Boxer by The National6
15 New Moon by Elliott Smith
16 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend by Miranda Lambert
17 The World Has Made Me The Man Of My Dreams by Me'Shell NdegéOcello
18 Ire Works by The Dillinger Escape Plan
19 Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga by Spoon
20 Copia by Eluvium
21 Sweet Warrior by Richard Thompson
22 The Shepherd's Dog by Iron & Wine
23 Beauty & Crime by Suzanne Vega
24 Vieux Farka Toure by Vieux Farka Toure
25 And Their Refinement Of The Decline by Stars Of The Lid
26 The Besnard Lakes Are The Dark Horse by The Besnard Lakes
27 Grinderman by Grinderman
28 23 by Blonde Redhead
29 Andorra by Caribou
30 Overpowered by Roisin Murphy
Alela Diane's Roundabout
Monday, December 1, 2008 | Posted by P at 9:55 AM |

While in France, assumingly on tour Shara shot a video of her version of Nina Simone's "Be My Husband" and I think it's fantastic.

"Michelle" is quite a good tune if I do say so myself you can read up on it's history here. One of my favorite covers of it is by Ben Harper and The Innocent Criminals. It has also attempted by over 30 bands including Booker T and the MG's, and even Bela Fleck has a version. Interesting side note the single beat out "Strangers in the Night" by Sinatra for the Grammy award in the category of song of the year in 1967.

Karlheinz Stockhausen was an experimental music composer of the 20th and early 21st century. His influence is wide spreading and it is said to be seen on the Beatles track "Strawberry Fields Forever." Where presumably the use of the Mellotron the worlds first sample/playback keyboard was used alongside an abundance of overdubbing and delays to pay homage to the the man.
One of the most interesting things I think that Stockhausen did is the Hellicpoter string Quartet Not to say most of his stuff isn't interesting, it is trust me :)
A string quartet popularized by Hayden traditionally consist of two violins, a viola, and cello, but the combination is not strict just the number. The violin as you may know has several nicknames including the squeak box :) and the fiddle. Over in Finland they have a specific variation of the violin they like to call the Jouhikko.
As you can see in the video the Jouhikko is played on the knee. Completing the roundabout if you look, you can find that Alela Diane credits Michael Hurley for his use of the knee fiddle in her band.
Alela or Michael, can we get confirmation that this knee fiddle is a Jouhikko?