While in France, assumingly on tour Shara shot a video of her version of Nina Simone's "Be My Husband" and I think it's fantastic.

"Michelle" is quite a good tune if I do say so myself you can read up on it's history here. One of my favorite covers of it is by Ben Harper and The Innocent Criminals. It has also attempted by over 30 bands including Booker T and the MG's, and even Bela Fleck has a version. Interesting side note the single beat out "Strangers in the Night" by Sinatra for the Grammy award in the category of song of the year in 1967.

Karlheinz Stockhausen was an experimental music composer of the 20th and early 21st century. His influence is wide spreading and it is said to be seen on the Beatles track "Strawberry Fields Forever." Where presumably the use of the Mellotron the worlds first sample/playback keyboard was used alongside an abundance of overdubbing and delays to pay homage to the the man.
One of the most interesting things I think that Stockhausen did is the Hellicpoter string Quartet Not to say most of his stuff isn't interesting, it is trust me :)
A string quartet popularized by Hayden traditionally consist of two violins, a viola, and cello, but the combination is not strict just the number. The violin as you may know has several nicknames including the squeak box :) and the fiddle. Over in Finland they have a specific variation of the violin they like to call the Jouhikko.
As you can see in the video the Jouhikko is played on the knee. Completing the roundabout if you look, you can find that Alela Diane credits Michael Hurley for his use of the knee fiddle in her band.
Alela or Michael, can we get confirmation that this knee fiddle is a Jouhikko?
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