I like collecting Ideas

Friday, August 7, 2009 | |

and I just found another one:


On another note I think I am going to try to do a recording of I am sitting in a room, for every new place that I move into, which DeKalb, Illinois is set to be the first.

I also am considering collecting a rather large collection of rocks and a possible book or perhaps a post card book.

And speaking about books I was contemplating turning my Iowa a Day project into a book, and possibly working on a Illinois a day.

On that note I have started a "quote book" I am not sure if I will be re-printing it as it is all hand written.

I am also slowly becoming more of a Railfan.

If anybody has ideas for "destructive musics" please let me know hopefully I will be completing one of them today, the original plan was to do 7 pieces in a weekend in Duluth Minnesota with some friends of my but only one was finished. My idea for this one involves a road a vehicle and liquid and plastic as well as dexterity. Link

I also would like to do some rock transportations and make some stuff out of plastic.



whatshernameagain said...

I would like to know more about these 'destructive musics'.

Mp3 Player
