Zen he says (small metal box)

Friday, December 16, 2016 | |

Incorrect: Apostrophe's are confusing.
Correct: Apostrophes are confusing.

  #  TITLE                                     PUBLISHER    YEAR OF PUBLICATION
  1  Pebble In The Sky                         Doubleday                   1950 
  2  I, Robot                                  Gnome Press                 1950 
  3  The Stars, Like Dust-- (Tyrann)           Doubleday                   1951 
  14  The Martian Way and Other Stories        Doubleday                   1955 
265  How Did We Find Out About the Universe?   Walker                      1982 
266  Counting the Eons                         Doubleday                   1983 
274  The Measure of the Universe               Harper & Row                1983 
277  The Union Club Mysteries                  Doubleday                   1983 
305  Isaac Asimov's Limericks for Children     Caedmon                     1984 
     Why Are the Rain Forests Vanishing?       Gareth Stevens, Inc         1992 
     I. Asimov: A memoir                       Doubleday                   1994 
     Gold                                      HarperPrism                 1995 
     Magic                                     HarperPrism                 1996 

t will be useful to give some examples to illustrate what we have said about methods of holding meetings with agents.
Last summer a meeting was set up in the city where an intelligence officer and his agent lived: this operation is pictured in Sketch 1. Three or four hours before the meeting was due to take place (it was set for dinner time), the case officer who  was going to hold it, together with a supporting intelligence officer and a chauffeur, left the embassy and drove by their usual route toward the house where the embassy staff live. Shortly before reaching the house both intelligence officers got out of the car and went down into the subway. The chauffeur (also an intelligence officer) went on to the area of the meeting, to take his stand outside a large store in which the supporting officer would be posted.
After changing trains en route, the intelligence officers left the subway, went into a store, and made some purchases. Altogether, they were there about 40 minutes. On leaving the store they hailed a cruising taxi and went to another large store. They went up to the top floor by escalator and then down again and left the store by another exit. They walked several blocks and went back down into the subway. They changed trains once and came out at the opposite end of town from where the meeting was to be.
Having spent some time in a restaurant, they took the subway again to the vicinity of a third large store. The supporting officer telephoned from the store to the embassy residence, spoke to his wife about his purchases, and was told (in coded form) that technical means (TS--tekhnicheskoye sredstvo) had detected no surveillance. Then both intelligence officers went a few more stations by subway and finally arrived on foot in the meeting area 20 minutes before it was to take place. Ten minutes before the meeting the supporting officer fell behind the officer who was to hold it and, having checked for surveillance, went off to the large store where the operational car was stationed.
Start nothing
The officer holding the meeting proceeded to the agreed place, checked it, and made contact with the agent. They walked a block to the agent's car, got in, and transferred the material from agent to officer. A short distance from the store the officer got out of the car, entered the store, and passed the material to the supporting officer, who immediately took it in the operational car to the embassy. The principal officer meanwhile got back into the agent's car, and they finished discussing their business while driving around. Then, after checking for surveillance, the officer got out of the agent's car, went home by public transportation, and immediately informed the resident by a code phrase that the meeting had been held successfully. Later he saw the resident and reported verbally in detail.

End nothing


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