When I was working as a music director for KNDS in Fargo, North Dakota, I entered a song competition put on by the music publicists Team Clermont.
The rules: make a song with a kazoo in it.
The prize: a present from the Swedish band "I'm from Barcelona."
Just my luck I had a Kazoo, I had also just recently finished up creating the Midi Foot so I used it to loop the kazoo. The song I entered was created in my dorm room around 2:30 am, the day before the contest ended. The song entered is a remix of sorts, the material I remixed comes from the internet, I will not disclose it here, but if you have visited this site you will recognize it where it came from.
So there I was in my room trying to figure out how to make this song, and I ran into a problem. I was using my laptop to do the looping so I couldn't use the sound card to access the websites sound because it would have also looped. So I had to use my desktop to play the website, and it's hooked up to a stereo system. Remember it's 2:30 am and 2 of my roommates are sleeping. I type in the un-nameable website and yes, I know it's not a thing to be proud of but I did it, I spun myself. I listened to the audio, recorded my kazoo loop, then very slowly I increased the volume of the stereo, and because I was using the built-in microphone on my laptop I had to nearly max out the stereo to get the necessary volume on the recording. After my roommates woke, the recording still was not over because I had to fade the volume down to end the song. I all survived and there was no lasting damage.
Then I entered it, and I won!

This is what I got:
1 Harmonica Flute with the text: "Don't give up on your dreams buddy"
1 Tambourine with the text: "I'm From Barcelona wants you to shake it"
1 Musical Triangle
2 Small Cymbals
1 Hollow wood block and other wooden stick thing to hit it with.
2 Maracas
1 Clapper
Thanks to I'm From Barcelona and JJ at Team Clermont, you all have great taste!
Here is a bonus music video, it's I'm From Barcelona doing "We're From Barcelona"
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